All Eviscerati.Org custom content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License:
Included Content
Content that is covered under the Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license includes:
- All written content, including the content in the Fiction area, unless it has been provided by a guest contributor.
- All comics (Help Desk, Kernel Panic, Old Skool Webcomic, PC Town).
- All podcasts, with the exception of any intro/outro music that may be licensed from third parties.
Web Advertising and “Commercial Use”
There is a poorly-defined gray area where websites that run banner advertisements are concerned. Do these sites qualify as commercial? Some most likely do, others most likely don’t, but how to accurately determine which sites are which is time consuming and probably not worth the effort. Therefore, reposting site content on an advertising-supported site is permitted and encouraged so long as the following conditions are met:
- The content is posted in a portion of the site that is freely accessible to the general public, and
- The material is attributed correctly as defined by the attribution portion of the Creative Commons License.
If this is done, please make a copy of the content and host it directly on the site — especially if the content is one of my comics — in order to minimize my bandwidth.
Excluded Content
This does not include any content contributed by a third party: for example, comics contributed by other cartoonists are owned wholly by those contributors and were allowed to be used only in the specific circumstances under which they appear. They are not covered under this license.
Any music or videos published on this site will be subject to the license or licenses of the party who originally published them. Original music or videos (i.e., created by me) will be published under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license linked above.
Third party media (images, movies, music, etc. provided by someone not directly affiliated with this site) may be covered under other licenses. Third party media licenses and attributions will be documented either where the media is used, or on this page.
Non-Profit Use of Content
Content on Eviscerati.Org not covered by third-party licenses may be used in not-for-profit publications. If you wish to use any content for commercial purposes, or if you’re not sure whether your situation qualifies as commercial, contact me.
Third Party Licenses and Attributions
Some banner graphics were taken from Wikimedia Commons, Pexels, Pixabay, or were created by other artists specifically for content on this site either through donations or contracted work. The graphics, the creator(s), and the licenses they are distributed under are listed below:
- The Curveball graphic for Year One (Issues 1-12, except for Issue 3) and the Curveball logo were created by Garth Graham. As part of the agreement made when the work was commissioned, the graphics are distributed under the same Creative Commons license as the rest of the issue it is published with, but as the artist he is the original copyright holder and therefore (obviously) exempt from the limitations in the license.
- The Curveball graphic for Issue Three was created by Jeff Darlington. As part of the agreement made when the work was commissioned, the graphic is distributed under the same Creative Commons license as the rest of the issue it is published with, but as the artist he is the original copyright holder and therefore (obviously) exempt from the limitations in the license.
- The Curveball graphic for Year Two (Issues 13-24) was created by Pascalle Lepas. As part of the agreement made when the work was commissioned, the graphic is distributed under the same Creative Commons license as the rest of the issue it is published with, but as the artist she is the original copyright holder and therefore (obviously) exempt from the limitations in the license.
- The Curveball graphic for Year Three (Issues 25-36) was created by Jamie Robertson. As part of the agreement made when the work was commissioned, the graphic is distributed under the same Creative Commons license as the rest of the issue it is published with, but as the artist he is the original copyright holder and therefore (obviously) exempt from the limitations in the license.
- Graphics taken from Pexels or Pixabay are used only if the license allows free use and redistribution. Where possible, the image will be captioned with the artist’s name (or the business name, if the photo was submitted through a business instead of identifying the individual).
More content and associated licenses will be listed here as the information becomes available.