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Understanding Your Customer Base

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Comic Transcript

YELLOW-ROBED GOOGLE EMPLOYEE: Google isn’t interested in monetizing user data, Scott. Of course we do it, but that’s not our interest. It’s an industry standard. Google adheres to industry standards.

SCOTT: What is Google interested in, then?

YELLOW-ROBED GOOGLE EMPLOYEE: Google is interested in making it possible for our customers to understand and effectively respond to large sets of data.

SCOTT: What does “effectively respond to” mean?

YELLOW-ROBED GOOGLE EMPLOYEE: It depends on the customer.

YELLOW-ROBED GOOGLE EMPLOYEE: For our smaller customers–large businesses mostly–it means building markets for their products.

YELLOW-ROBED GOOGLE EMPLOYEE: For our larger customers it means either preserving or disrupting infrastructure.

SCOTT: That sounds like a polite way of saying “keeping what they have” and “taking away what someone else has.”


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